Celebrating Labor day in Savannah!

10:45 PM

DAY 4 the last day! :(

This is the last day and it was sad that I had to say good bye to the beautiful Savannah Georgia. So the last day we decided to do some shopping in River street to get like shirts and candy! We were planning to go to the beach, but in the end we decided not to because we had a long drive ahead of us! So instead after shopping we went to the Old Fort Jackson. That fort was cool and we actually got to see a canon demonstration which was very interesting! After the wonderful fort we went to eat at the Pirate House which had the best burger in my opinion! Then it was time, so sad but again we are leaving another adventure but made many memories and yes I will miss Savannah and yes I am coming back! Right now not going to lie but I am wearing my Savannah t-shirt(:!!!

 Till Then,
Melanie S.


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