Starting the fall right!

7:32 PM

Yay for the fall it is finally here! I'm now able to go outside without getting hit by a heat wave. It is my favorite time of year not only because of the weather is perfect but because of the fashion trends that start happening. Here are some things I put together that I thought are the must haves of this fall of 2015, from clothing to make up and I even added some things for my male readers out there (if there is any:)). Thanks to Pinterest for all of these lovely pictures. Why not follow your fellow friend on Pinterest? You can find me under the name mahoganyxxtea. Most of these pictures I already have them on some of my boards.
So enjoy and along the way of looking at these photos I will describe more on why I pick this certain item.  :)

So to start of the clothing portion, let's talk big.  I am dying to have a big coat like these even though it doesn't get that cold where I live. I will take any color to be honest, grey to maroon to tan, I love all these coats and they all look very very comfortable. Along with sweaters; matching the big sweaters with a skirt is very trendy and very cute! I'm in love with it.


Also I another thing I see coming back are the FLARE JEANS! This gets me excited because I love this kind of style and I love seeing old trends come back. Sadly, I never tried on these jeans but again another thing I’m dying to try on and have.

Pattern Skirts are another thing I’m loving, but not just any pattern skirt. I like the ones that go just a little passed the knee. I think they are very classy with a pair of heels and a cute logo shirt like showed in the pictures below.

SO PRETTY!!!!!!!

Now for the shoes, I am obsessed with the shoes from Pinterest! Like I am in love with shoes that I can’t afford. All of these shoes below are going to be in my dream closet.



Make up:
I am starting to get more into make up. Another thing I am obsessed with is dark lipsticks. If there is one thing I can’t leave the house without, it is lipstick! I feel so naked if I don’t have lipstick on. But recently I purchase this dark teal lipstick (but really I don’t really want to call it a lipstick because it's actually an eyeliner!) which I think look super nice especially for the winter and late fall time.

Men’s Fashion:
So I don’t know much about men fashion but I wanted to add some things for my male readers. This is just some outfits that stood out to me when I was looking through Pinterest. So future boyfriend take notes ;)

there will be another blog post very soon. Check back!
Till Then,

Melanie S.

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